Ronald G. Biagi

Headshot of Ron
Executive Committee/Bank Secrecy Act Committee/Audit Committee

Ronald G. Biagi has served as Chairman of the Board and CEO of Bank of America Texas and New Mexico as well as an international consultant with Bank of America Advisory Services and the World Bank.

Mr. Biagi is an experienced Board of Director, Executive Management Consultant and Executive Coach. He has assisted individuals, teams and entire organizations in achieving desired measurable results.

During his years of business leadership, Mr. Biagi has helped both domestic and international companies as well as financial institutions successfully manage rapid change and transitions. Additionally, he has led organizations through strategic planning and tactical deployment programs as well has served on numerous Advisory Boards. He is co-author of three business self-help books.

Mr. Biagi graduated from the University of San Francisco with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and also graduated from the Pacific Coast Graduate School of Banking at the University of Washington.